Harry Wolbert: A Voice for Change!
Vision. Leadership. Experience.
Today is a new day. Welcome to the official site of Harry Wolbert for City Council, your source of information including upcoming events, information on the issues, history and background, and so much more. Please feel free to browse the website, where you will find all you need to know about how Harry is fighting for change and progress in Fort Rouge-East Fort Garry.
Buiding a community where everyone matters!
- I support a property tax freeze. I believe that the citizens of Winnipeg have the right to keep more of their hard earned money. Winnipeggers deserve some tax relief! If elected, I will work hard to reduce the tax burden on all Winnipeggers and businesses.
- I will not forget about our city's poor and homeless. I support the introduction of a low-income bus pass and a poverty reduction plan for the City of Winnipeg. I also support providing people with the tools they need to get out of poverty (stable housing, job training, employment, and a low-income bus pass).
- I do not support opening the intersection of Portage and Main to pedestrian traffic. I also oppose the construction of any additional Bus Rapid Transit corrdors in the City of Winnipeg.
- I will make public safety a priority. Our citizens have the right to be safe in their community. If elected, I will not support any cuts to the Winnipeg Police Service budget.
- I support environmentally friendly initiatives for our city. I support converting Winnipeg Transit's fleet of 623 buses from diesel-to-electric. This is good for the environment and will help to reduce our city's carbon footprint.
Thank you for your interest in my political campaign. If you have a question, concern, would like to volunteer or make a donation to my campaign, please fill out the form below.